The ungentle laws and customs touched upon in this tale are historical, and the episodes which are used to illustrate them are also historical. It is not pretended that these laws and customs existed in England in the sixth century; no, it is only pretended that inasmuch as they existed in the English and other civilizations of far later times, it is safe to consider that it is no libel upon the sixth century to suppose them to have been in practice in that day also. One is quite justified in inferring that whatever one of these laws or customs was lacking in that remote time, its place was competently filled by a worse one.

The question as to whether there is such a thing as divine right of kings is not settled in this book. It was found too difficult. That the executive head of a nation should be a person of lofty character and extraordinary ability, was manifest and indisputable; that none but the Deity could select that head unerringly, was also manifest and indisputable; that the Deity ought to make that selection, then, was likewise manifest and indisputable; consequently, that He does make it, as claimed, was an unavoidable deduction. I mean, until the author of this book encountered the Pompadour, and Lady Castlemaine, and some other executive heads of that kind; these were found so difficult to work into the scheme, that it was judged better to take the other tack in this book (which must be issued this fall), and then go into training and settle the question in another book. It is, of course, a thing which ought to be settled, and I am not going to have anything particular to do next winter anyway.

Mark Twain.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )



A Word of Explanation

The Stranger's History

Chapter I: Camelot

Chapter II: King Arthur's Court

Chapter III: Knights of the Table Round

Chapter IV: Sir Dinadan the Humorist

Chapter V: An Inspiration

Chapter VI: The Eclipse

Chapter VII: Merlin's Tower

Chapter VIII: The Boss

Chapter IX: The Tournament

Chapter X: Beginnings of Civilization

Chapter XI: The Yankee in Search of Adventures.

Chapter XII: Slow Torture

Chapter XIII: Freemen

Chapter XIV: "Defend Thee, Lord"

Chapter XV: Sandy's Tale

Chapter XVI: Morgan le Fay

Chapter XVII: A Royal Banquet

Chapter XVIII: In the Queen's Dungeons

Chapter XIX: Knight-Errantry as a Trade

Chapter XX: The Ogre's Castle

Chapter XXI: The Pilgrims

Chapter XXII: The Holy Fountain

Chapter XXIII: Restoration of the Fountain

Chapter XXIV: A Rival Magician

Chapter XXV: A Competitive Examination

Chapter XXVI: The First Newspaper

Chapter XXVII: The Yankee and the King Travel Incognito

Chapter XXVIII: Drilling the King

Chapter XXIX: The Smallpox Hut

Chapter XXX: The Tragedy of the Manor-House

Chapter XXXI: Marco

Chapter XXXII: Dowley's Humiliation

Chapter XXXIII: Sixth Century Political Economy

Chapter XXXIV: The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves

Chapter XXXV: A Pitiful Incident

Chapter XXXVI: An Encounter in the Dark

Chapter XXXVII: An Awful Predicament

Chapter XXXVIII: Sir Launcelot and Knights to the Rescue

Chapter XXXIX: The Yankee's Fight with the Knights

Chapter XL: Three Years Later

Chapter XLI: The Interdict

Chapter XLII: War!

Chapter XLIII: The Battle of the Sand Belt

Chapter XLIV: A Postscript by Clarence

Final P.S. by M.T.