Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the state of the colony of New South Wales. Printed by order of the House of Commons, 1822.

"Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land", by Thomas Reid [Surgeon on board the Neptune and Morley transport ships], Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, and Surgeon in the Royal Navy. London: Longman and Co., 1822.

"Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies", by James Backhouse. London: Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1843.

Report of a Select Committee on Transportation. Printed by order of the House of Commons, 1838. [Evidence of Colonel Henry Breton.—Q.2,431-2,436.]



Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838. Evidence of John Barnes, Esq., pp.37-49. Also Appendix to above Report, I., No.56,B.

"Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science", etc., vol. ii. Account of Macquarie Harbour, by T. G. Lempriere, Esq., A.D.C.G., pp.17, 107, 200. Tasmania: Henry Dowling. London: John Murray, 1846.

"Van Diemen's Land Anniversary and Hobart Town Almanac, 1831." Account of Macquarie Harbour, by James Ross, p.262. Hobart Town: James Ross, 1832.

"Meliora", April, 1861--"Our Convict System": case of Charles Anderson, chained to a rock for two years in irons. See also "Our Convicts", p.233, vol.i., Mary Carpenter. Longmans, 1864.

"Backhouse's Narrative" [ut supra] chapters iii., iv.

Files of Hobart Town Courier, 1827-8, more especially October 23 and December 7, 1827, and February 2, 1828.


Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838, pp. 353, 354, 355.


"Tasmanian Journal" [ut supra], vol.i.: Account of Macquarie Harbour, by T. G. Lempriere, Esq. [ut supra]. The seizure of the Cypress (sic.), pp.366-7. Escape of Morgan and Popjoy, p.369. The seizure of the Frederick, pp.371-375.

"Van Diemen's Land Annual", 1838: Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of certain of Ten Convicts, etc., pp.1-11. Hobart Town: James Ross, 1838.

"Old Tales of a Young Country", by Marcus Clarke: The Last of Macquarie Harbour, pp. 141-146. The Seizure of the Cyprus, pp.133-140. Melbourne: George Robertson, 1871.



Transportation: Copy of a communication upon the subject of Transportation addressed to Earl Grey by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania. Reprinted for private distribution to the heads of families only. Launceston: Henry Dowling, 1848.

Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1837. Evidence of Ernest Augustus Slade, Esq.--Q.870. Ibidem, 1838: Evidence of James Mudie, Esq.--Q.804-813.


Backhouse's Narrative [ut supra]: Appendix, lxxvi.


"Van Diemen 's Land Annual", 1838 [ut supra], pp.12-33. Old Tales, etc, [ut supra], The Last of Macquarie Harbour, pp.147- 156.


Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838: Evidence of E. A. Slade, Esq.-Q.1,882-1,892. Ibidem: Appendix No.ii., E.


Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1837: Evidence of John Russell, Esq., Assist.-Surgeon 63rd Regiment.--Q.426-615. Ibidem: Evidence of Colonel Geo. Arthur--Q.4,510-4,548.


"The Adventures of Martin Cash, the Bushranger." Hobart Town: J. L. Burke, 1870. pp.64-70.

"Van Dieman's Land Annual" [ut supra], 1829: Visit to Port Arthur. Account of the Devil's Blow-Hole.


Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1832, Appendix I., No.56 C. and D. Deposition of Alexander Pierce and official statements of trial and execution of Pierce and Cox for murder and cannibalism.

"The Bushrangers,", by James Bonwick, Esq. Article-"Port Arthur"



Sessional Papers printed by order of the House of Lords, 1847. Enclosure to No. XI. Extract of a paper by the Rev. T. B. Naylor. Enclosure 3 in No.XIV. Copy of Report [dated Hobart Town, 20th June, 1846] from Robert Pringle Stewart, Esq.: [officer appointed by the Lieut.-Governor of Van Dieman's Land, to inspect the penal settlement of Norfolk Island] to the Comptroller-General.

House of Lords Report of a Commission on the execution of Criminal Law, 1847, Evidence of the Lord Bishop of Tasmania--Q.4,795--4,904 and 5,085--5,130.

Despatch of His Excellency Sir William Denison to Secretary of State, 10th July, 1847.

Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838: Evidence of the Very Rev. Wm. Ullathorne, D.D.--Q.150-318.

Report of House of Lords [ut supra], 1847: Evidence of Albert Charles Stonor, Esq., Crown Solicitor of New South Wales-- Q.5,174-5,197. Also evidence of Rev. Wm. Wilson, D.D.--Q.5,545-5,568.

Correspondence relating to the dismissal of the Rev. T. Rogers from his chaplaincy at Norfolk Island; for private circulation. Launceston: Henry Dowling, 1846.

"Backhouse's Voyages" [ut supra]


Adventures of Martin Cash [ut supra], pp.133-141; Cases of George Armstrong, "Pine Tree Jack", and Alexander Campbell.

Punishment of the "gag" and "bridle". Correspondence relating to the Rev. T. Rogers [ut supra], pp. 41-43.

Punishment of the "gag" and "bridle".

Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838: Evidence of the Very Rev. Wm. Ullathorne, D.D.--Q.267:--

"As I mentioned the names of those men who were to die,
they one after another, as their names were pronounced,
dropped on their knees and thanked God that they were
to be delivered from that horrible place, whilst the others
remained standing mute, weeping. It was the most horrible
scene I have ever witnessed."

Ibidem: Evidence of Colonel George Arthur.--Q.4,548.

Ibidem: Evidence of Sir Francis Forbes.--Q.1,119.

Ibidem: Q.1,335-1,343:--

"...Two or three men murdered their fellow-prisoners,
with the certainty of being detected and executed,
apparently without malice and with very little excitement,
stating that they knew that they should be hanged,
but it was better than being where they were."


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )




Book I: The Sea. 1827

Chapter I: The Prison Ship

Chapter II: Sarah Purfoy

Chapter III: The Monotony Breaks

Chapter IV: The Hospital

Chapter V: The Barracoon

Chapter VI: The Fate of the "Hydaspes"

Chapter VII: Typhus Fever

Chapter VIII: A Dangerous Crisis

Chapter IX: Woman's Weapons

Chapter X: Eight Bells

Chapter XI: Discoveries and Confessions

Chapter XII: A Newspaper Paragraph

Book II: Macquarie Harbour. 1833

Chapter I: The Topography of Van Diemen's Land

Chapter II: The Solitary of "Hell's Gates"

Chapter III: A Social Evening

Chapter IV: The Bolter

Chapter V: Sylvia

Chapter VI: A Leap in the Dark

Chapter VII: The Last of Macquarie Harbour

Chapter VIII: The Power of the Wilderness

Chapter IX: The Seizure of the "Osprey"

Chapter X: John Rex's Revenge

Chapter XI: Left at "Hell's Gates"

Chapter XII: "Mr." Dawes

Chapter XIII: What the Seaweed Suggested

Chapter XIV: A Wonderful Day's Work

Chapter XV: The Coracle

Chapter XVI: The Writing on the Sand

Chapter XVII: At Sea

Book III: Port Arthur. 1838

Chapter I: A Labourer in the Vineyard

Chapter II: Sarah Purfoy's Request

Chapter III: The Story of Two Birds of Prey

Chapter IV: "The Notorious Dawes"

Chapter V: Maurice Frere's Good Angel

Chapter VI: Mr. Meekin Administers Consolation

Chapter VII: Rufus Dawes's Idyll

Chapter VIII: An Escape

Chapter IX: John Rex's Letter Home

Chapter X: What Became of the Mutineers of the "Osprey"

Chapter XI: A Relic of Macquarie Harbour

Chapter XII: At Port Arthur

Chapter XIII: The Commandant's Butler

Chapter XIV: Mr. North's Indisposition

Chapter XV: One Hundred Lashes

Chapter XVI: Kicking Against the Pricks

Chapter XVII: Captain and Mrs. Frere

Chapter XVIII: In the Hospital

Chapter XIX: The Consolations of Religion

Chapter XX: A Natural Penitentiary

Chapter XXI: A Visit of Inspection

Chapter XXII: Gathering in the Threads

Chapter XXIII: Running the Gauntlet

Chapter XXIV: In the Night

Chapter XXV: The Flight

Chapter XXVI: The Work of the Sea

Chapter XXVII: The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Book IV: Norfolk Island. 1846

Chapter I: Extracted from the Diary of the Rev. James North

Chapter II: The Lost Heir

Chapter III: Extracted from the Diary of the Rev. James North

Chapter IV: Extracted from the Diary of the Rev. James North

Chapter V: Mr. Richard Devine Surprised

Chapter VI: In Which the Chaplain Is Taken Ill

Chapter VII: Breaking a Man's Spirit

Chapter VIII: Extracted from the Diary of the Rev. James North

Chapter IX: The Longest Straw

Chapter X: A Meeting

Chapter XI: Extracted from the Diary of the Rev. James North

Chapter XII: The Strange Behaviour of Mr. North

Chapter XIII: Mr. North Speaks

Chapter XIV: Getting Ready for Sea

Chapter XV: The Discovery

Chapter XVI: Fifteen Hours

Chapter XVII: The Redemption

Chapter XVIII: The Cyclone

