Good for Agriculture, Bad for Public Health13-9-29"Out of Darkness" Walks Raise Money for Depression Research, Suicide Prevention13-9-30Demonstrations Spread to the Capital in Sudan13-10-1More Children Are Surviving Their First Years13-10-2Climate Scientists Call Decrease of Arctic Ice ‘Unprecedented’13-10-3Soccer Players in Africa Get a Buzz13-10-5Health Problems in Sub-Saharan Africa13-10-6Call for Western Involvement in Al-Shabab Fight13-10-7African Economic Growth Slow to Lower Poverty Rate13-10-8California Helps Lead Economic Recovery13-10-9Legacy of Vietnamese General Remains Divisive13-10-10Wrestling May Still Be an Olympic Sport13-10-12China Rising: The Return of the Dragon13-10-13Afghan-US Security Agreement Still Not Clear13-10-14Amnesty Condemns School Attacks in Nigeria13-10-15Trouble for Greece's Far-Right Party Golden Dawn13-10-16UN Security Council Moves to Help African Forces in CAR13-10-17Russians Question Muslim Influence13-10-20All About Cats - The World's Favorite Pet13-10-21How Will the Health Care Law Influence the 2014 Elections?13-10-22Technology Helps Save Elephants and Rhinos13-10-23Somali Diaspora Returning to Mogadishu13-10-24Alice Munro Wins 2013 Nobel Literature Prize13-10-25Libya Grand Mufti Says Female Teachers Should Cover Their Faces13-10-26Chimpanzees May Recognize Emotions in Others13-10-27Race May Be Issue in Next South Africa Elections13-10-28US Nuclear Negotiator Suggests Easing Sanctions on Iran13-10-29Philippines Plans for Disasters13-10-30Scientists Say Air Pollution Threatens Honeybees13-10-31Bruce Shares New Stories About Springsteen13-11-1