American History Series: The Election of 186810-2-11Special American History Remix: From Great Depression's Depths, Creativity Reached New Heights11-4-23American Foreign Policy in the 1930's11-4-28American History: In 1930s, Britain Calls for 'Peace In Our Time'11-5-5American History: As War in Europe Expands, US Continues the Policy of Neutrality11-5-12American History: Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor Pulls US Into War11-5-19America History: US-Japan Relations Before World War Two11-5-26American History: US Declares War on Japan, Germany and Italy11-6-2American History: German Forces Defeated in Russia and Britain11-6-9American History: World War Two Continues with the D-Day Invasion in Normandy11-6-16American History: The War in the Pacific11-6-23American History: World War Two on the Home Front11-6-30American History: A Friendship Helps Guide World War 2 Diplomacy11-7-7American History: Developing the First Atomic Bombs11-7-14American History: Life Slowly Returns to Normal in US in Years after World War Two11-7-21American History: Roosevelt's Death Makes Truman President11-7-28American History: The Rise of U.S. Influence After World War Two11-8-4American History: How the Berlin Airlift Got Off the Ground11-8-11American History: Truman Wins the Election of 194811-8-18American History: Truman's Second Term11-8-25American History: The Election of 195211-9-1American History: In the 1950s, Conflict in Korea11-9-8American History: Popular Culture in '50s11-9-15American History: The Cold War11-9-22American History: The Space Race11-9-29American History: The Election of 196011-10-6American History: Kennedy Becomes President11-10-13American History: Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis11-10-20American History: Lyndon Johnson Becomes President11-10-27AMERICAN HISTORY: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Vietnam War11-11-3