


> I just wanna lay in my bed in the morning. > 我早上只想躺在床上。 > > I arrived at school at 7:30. > 我今早七点半抵达学校。 > > My boyfriend bought a car for me. 我男友买了一台车给我**。** > > This book is about science.这本书是关于 > 科学 。 > > The man chopped the watermelon with his bare hands. > 那个男人徒手将西瓜剖开了。

你会看到,以上标记粗体的字都是介系词喔~原则上,介系词会放在名词或代名词前面,用来表示那个名词与句子中其他字的关系,例如:时间、位置、属性、因果、方式等,以让句子更丰富与详尽。如第一句中的in my bed 是表示地点,而in the morning 是表示时间。



有些介系词是比较明确的逻辑可以依循的,通常会依照「空间➡ 时间➡ 抽象」的概念去延伸

1️⃣ 以in 为例:

[空间] in:在空间范围内

> The dog is in the park .那只狗 公园里。

[时间] in:在一段较长时间

> I went to India in 2010 . > 我在2010 年去印度。

[抽象] in:在某概念之中

> My sister is in love . > 我妹在恋爱中。

2️⃣ 以over 为例:

[空间] over:在…上方

> The lamp is hung over the television . > 灯挂在电视上方。

[时间] over:超过

> I have been waiting for the bus over one hour . > 我已经等公车超过一小时了。

[抽象] over:超过、超越

> The purse costs over 10000 dollars . > 这个女用钱包价钱超过一万元。 > > There were over 1000 people in the concert. > 有超过一千人在那场演场会。




to 的核心概念为「朝某个目标前进」,而且是会达到目标的

> We went to Japan last year. > 我们去年去日本。 > > My family plans to move to the US next year. > 我家人计画明年要搬到美国。


I lent my laptop to my sister. 我把笔电借给我姐了。

You can show your new dress to everyone here. 你可以把新的裙子展示给这里的大家看看。


for 的核心概念为「方向性」,亦即「往~、朝向~」,是大方向,不代表一定会到达目的地

> This train is for Taipei. > 这班火车是往台北的。

for 用在心态的方向就是「支持、赞成」的意思

> Most people voted for the new proposal. > 多数人投票赞成新的提案。

若再更进一步,for 可以表示「为了…」

> This course is only for women. > 这门课只开给女性。 > > I made this video just for fun . > 我做这部影片只是为了好玩。 > > Who are you waiting for ? > 你在等谁?

另外,for 还可以表达「理由」

> Thanks for your help. > 感谢你的帮忙。 > > The town is famous for its food. > 那个城镇以食物闻名。


with 的核心概念为「附带」,可为具体或抽象的

> You look good with this pair of glasses. > 你戴这副眼镜看起来很不错。 > > Peter only likes girls with long hair. > 彼得只喜欢长头发的女生。 > > Please hold this plate with care. > 请小心拿这个盘子。


> I went to the movies with my friends. > 我和朋友一起去看电影。 > > Mix the powder with some water. > 把粉末和一些水混合。


> It's hard for me to eat with chopsticks. > 用筷子吃东西对我来说很困难。 > > When I was in India, I ate with hands as the local. > 当我印度时,我和当地人一样用手吃东西。


of 的核心概念包含了「分离」、「所属」

> The staff of the hotel was friendly. > 这间饭店的员工很亲切。 > > I don't remember the name of the movie. > 我不记得那部电影的名字了。

of 的另一个核心概念还有「关联」

> We're thinking of a better way to solve the problem. > 我们正在想解决那个问题更好的方法。 > > Speaking of coffee, have you tried the new coffee beans there? > 提到咖啡,你试过那里新的咖啡豆吗?


about 的核心概念为「在周围」,引申出「关于」之意

> Let's talk about the project. > 我们来谈谈这个专案吧。 > > Don't worry about the price. > 不用担心价格的问题。


> It's about a three-hour drive to the destination. > 到目的地大约需要开车三小时。 > > There are about twenty people here.这里 > 大约有二十个人。 > >

That's All for Today


另外,在学介系词的时候,要把介系词和前后的其他字一起学,也就是语块或搭配字的概念,例如in my free time(在我空闲时间)、wait for you(等你)、take care of you(照顾你)、be good at dancing(擅长跳舞),这样学习效果会更好喔。