Next day at eleven o'clock in the morning Vronsky drove to the station of the Petersburg railway to meet his mother, and the first person he came across on the great flight of steps was Oblonsky, who was expecting his sister by the same train.

"Ah! your excellency!" cried Oblonsky, "whom are you meeting?"

"My mother," Vronsky responded, smiling, as everyone did who met Oblonsky. He shook hands with him, and together they ascended the steps. "She is to be here from Petersburg today."

"I was looking out for you till two o'clock last night. Where did you go after the Shtcherbatskys'?"

"Home," answered Vronsky. "I must own I felt so well content yesterday after the Shtcherbatskys' that I didn't care to go anywhere."

     "I know a gallant steed by tokens sure,
     And by his eyes I know a youth in love,"

declaimed Stepan Arkadyevitch, just as he had done before to Levin.

Vronsky smiled with a look that seemed to say that he did not deny it, but he promptly changed the subject.

"And whom are you meeting?" he asked.

"I? I've come to meet a pretty woman," said Oblonsky.

"You don't say so!"

"Honi soit qui mal y pense! My sister Anna."

"Ah! that's Madame Karenina," said Vronsky.

"You know her, no doubt?"

"I think I do. Or perhaps not...I really am not sure," Vronsky answered heedlessly, with a vague recollection of something stiff and tedious evoked by the name Karenina.

"But Alexey Alexandrovitch, my celebrated brother-in-law, you surely must know. All the world knows him."

"I know him by reputation and by sight. I know that he's clever, learned, religious somewhat.... But you know that's not...not in my line," said Vronsky in English.

"Yes, he's a very remarkable man; rather a conservative, but a splendid man," observed Stepan Arkadyevitch, "a splendid man."

"Oh, well, so much the better for him," said Vronsky smiling. "Oh, you've come," he said, addressing a tall old footman of his mother's, standing at the door; "come here."

Besides the charm Oblonsky had in general for everyone, Vronsky had felt of late specially drawn to him by the fact that in his imagination he was associated with Kitty.

"Well, what do you say? Shall we give a supper on Sunday for the diva?" he said to him with a smile, taking his arm.

"Of course. I'm collecting subscriptions. Oh, did yo make the acquaintance of my friend Levin?" asked Stepan Arkadyevitch.

"Yes; but he left rather early."

"He's a capital fellow," pursued Oblonsky. "Isn't he?"

"I don't know why it is," responded Vronsky, "in all Moscow people--present company of course excepted," he put in jestingly, "there's something uncompromising. They are all on the defensive, lose their tempers, as though they all want to make one feel something..."

"Yes, that's true, it is so," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, laughing good-humoredly.

"Will the train soon be in?" Vronsky asked a railway official.

"The train's signaled," answered the man.

The approach of the train was more and more evident by the preparatory bustle in the station, the rush of porters, the movement of policemen and attendants, and people meeting the train. Through the frosty vapor could be seen workmen in short sheepskins and soft felt boots crossing the rails of the curving line. The hiss of the boiler could be heard on the distant rails, and the rumble of something heavy.

"No," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, who felt a great inclination to tell Vronsky of Levin's intentions in regard to Kitty. "No, you've not got a true impression of Levin. He's a very nervous man, and is sometimes out of humor, it's true, but then he is often very nice. He's such a true, honest nature, and a heart of gold. But yesterday there were special reasons," pursued Stepan Arkadyevitch, with a meaning smile, totally oblivious of the genuine sympathy he had felt the day before for his friend, and feeling the same sympathy now, only for Vronsky. "Yes, there were reasons why he could not help being either particularly happy or particularly unhappy."

Vronsky stood still and asked directly: "How so? Do you mean he made your belle-soeur an offer yesterday?"

"Maybe," said Stepan Arkadyevitch. "I fancied something of the sort yesterday. Yes, if he went away early, and was out of humor too, it must mean it.... He's been so long in love, and I'm very sorry for him."

"So that's it! I should imagine, though, she might reckon on a better match," said Vronsky, drawing himself up and walking about again, "though I don't know him, of course," he added. "Yes, that is a hateful position! That's why most fellows prefer to have to do with Klaras. If you don't succeed with them it only proves that you've not enough cash, but in this case one's dignity's at stake. But here's the train."

The engine had already whistled in the distance. A few instants later the platform was quivering, and with puffs of steam hanging low in the air from the frost, the engine rolled up, with the lever of the middle wheel rhythmically moving up and down, and the stooping figure of the engine-driver covered with frost. Behind the tender, setting the platform more and more slowly swaying, came the luggage van with a dog whining in it. At last the passenger carriages rolled in, oscillating before coming to a standstill.

A smart guard jumped out, giving a whistle, and after him one by one the impatient passengers began to get down: an officer of the guards, holding himself erect, and looking severely about him; a nimble little merchant with a satchel, smiling gaily; a peasant with a sack over his shoulder.

Vronsky, standing beside Oblonsky, watched the carriages and the passengers, totally oblivious of his mother. What he had just heard about Kitty excited and delighted him. Unconsciously he arched his chest, and his eyes flashed. He felt himself a conqueror.

"Countess Vronskaya is in that compartment," said the smart guard, going up to Vronsky.

The guard's words roused him, and forced him to think of his mother and his approaching meeting with her. He did not in his heart respect his mother, and without acknowledging it to himself, he did not love her, though in accordance with the ideas of the set in which he lived, and with his own education, he could not have conceived of any behavior to his mother not in the highest degree respectful and obedient, and the more externally obedient and respectful his behavior, the less in his heart he respected and loved her.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Part One: Chapter 1

Part One: Chapter 2

Part One: Chapter 3

Part One: Chapter 4

Part One: Chapter 5

Part One: Chapter 6

Part One: Chapter 7

Part One: Chapter 8

Part One: Chapter 9

Part One: Chapter 10

Part One: Chapter 11

Part One: Chapter 12

Part One: Chapter 13

Part One: Chapter 14

Part One: Chapter 15

Part One: Chapter 16

Part One: Chapter 17

Part One: Chapter 18

Part One: Chapter 19

Part One: Chapter 20

Part One: Chapter 21

Part One: Chapter 22

Part One: Chapter 23

Part One: Chapter 24

Part One: Chapter 25

Part One: Chapter 26

Part One: Chapter 27

Part One: Chapter 28

Part One: Chapter 29

Part One: Chapter 30

Part One: Chapter 31

Part One: Chapter 32

Part One: Chapter 33

Part One: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 1

Part Two: Chapter 2

Part Two: Chapter 3

Part Two: Chapter 4

Part Two: Chapter 5

Part Two: Chapter 6

Part Two: Chapter 7

Part Two: Chapter 8

Part Two: Chapter 9

Part Two: Chapter 10

Part Two: Chapter 11

Part Two: Chapter 12

Part Two: Chapter 13

Part Two: Chapter 14

Part Two: Chapter 15

Part Two: Chapter 16

Part Two: Chapter 17

Part Two: Chapter 18

Part Two: Chapter 19

Part Two: Chapter 20

Part Two: Chapter 21

Part Two: Chapter 22

Part Two: Chapter 23

Part Two: Chapter 24

Part Two: Chapter 25

Part Two: Chapter 26

Part Two: Chapter 27

Part Two: Chapter 28

Part Two: Chapter 29

Part Two: Chapter 30

Part Two: Chapter 31

Part Two: Chapter 32

Part Two: Chapter 33

Part Two: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 35

Part Three: Chapter 1

Part Three: Chapter 2

Part Three: Chapter 3

Part Three: Chapter 4

Part Three: Chapter 5

Part Three: Chapter 6

Part Three: Chapter 7

Part Three: Chapter 8

Part Three: Chapter 9

Part Three: Chapter 10

Part Three: Chapter 11

Part Three: Chapter 12

Part Three: Chapter 13

Part Three: Chapter 14

Part Three: Chapter 15

Part Three: Chapter 16

Part Three: Chapter 17

Part Three: Chapter 18

Part Three: Chapter 19

Part Three: Chapter 20

Part Three: Chapter 21

Part Three: Chapter 22

Part Three: Chapter 23

Part Three: Chapter 24

Part Three: Chapter 25

Part Three: Chapter 26

Part Three: Chapter 27

Part Three: Chapter 28

Part Three: Chapter 29

Part Three: Chapter 30

Part Three: Chapter 31

Part Three: Chapter 32

Part Four: Chapter 1

Part Four: Chapter 2

Part Four: Chapter 3

Part Four: Chapter 4

Part Four: Chapter 5

Part Four: Chapter 6

Part Four: Chapter 7

Part Four: Chapter 8

Part Four: Chapter 9

Part Four: Chapter 10

Part Four: Chapter 11

Part Four: Chapter 12

Part Four: Chapter 13

Part Four: Chapter 14

Part Four: Chapter 15

Part Four: Chapter 16

Part Four: Chapter 17

Part Four: Chapter 18

Part Four: Chapter 19

Part Four: Chapter 20

Part Four: Chapter 21

Part Four: Chapter 22

Part Four: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 1

Part Five: Chapter 2

Part Five: Chapter 3

Part Five: Chapter 4

Part Five: Chapter 5

Part Five: Chapter 6

Part Five: Chapter 7

Part Five: Chapter 8

Part Five: Chapter 9

Part Five: Chapter 10

Part Five: Chapter 11

Part Five: Chapter 12

Part Five: Chapter 13

Part Five: Chapter 14

Part Five: Chapter 15

Part Five: Chapter 16

Part Five: Chapter 17

Part Five: Chapter 18

Part Five: Chapter 19

Part Five: Chapter 20

Part Five: Chapter 21

Part Five: Chapter 22

Part Five: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 24

Part Five: Chapter 25

Part Five: Chapter 26

Part Five: Chapter 27

Part Five: Chapter 28

Part Five: Chapter 29

Part Five: Chapter 30

Part Five: Chapter 31

Part Five: Chapter 32

Part Five: Chapter 33

Part Six: Chapter 1

Part Six: Chapter 2

Part Six: Chapter 3

Part Six: Chapter 4

Part Six: Chapter 5

Part Six: Chapter 6

Part Six: Chapter 7

Part Six: Chapter 8

Part Six: Chapter 9

Part Six: Chapter 10

Part Six: Chapter 11

Part Six: Chapter 12

Part Six: Chapter 13

Part Six: Chapter 14

Part Six: Chapter 15

Part Six: Chapter 16

Part Six: Chapter 17

Part Six: Chapter 18

Part Six: Chapter 19

Part Six: Chapter 20

Part Six: Chapter 21

Part Six: Chapter 22

Part Six: Chapter 23

Part Six: Chapter 24

Part Six: Chapter 25

Part Six: Chapter 26

Part Six: Chapter 27

Part Six: Chapter 28

Part Six: Chapter 29

Part Six: Chapter 30

Part Six: Chapter 31

Part Six: Chapter 32

Part Seven: Chapter 1

Part Seven: Chapter 2

Part Seven: Chapter 3

Part Seven: Chapter 4

Part Seven: Chapter 5

Part Seven: Chapter 6

Part Seven: Chapter 7

Part Seven: Chapter 8

Part Seven: Chapter 9

Part Seven: Chapter 10

Part Seven: Chapter 11

Part Seven: Chapter 12

Part Seven: Chapter 13

Part Seven: Chapter 14

Part Seven: Chapter 15

Part Seven: Chapter 16

Part Seven: Chapter 17

Part Seven: Chapter 18

Part Seven: Chapter 19

Part Seven: Chapter 20

Part Seven: Chapter 21

Part Seven: Chapter 22

Part Seven: Chapter 23

Part Seven: Chapter 24

Part Seven: Chapter 25

Part Seven: Chapter 26

Part Seven: Chapter 27

Part Seven: Chapter 28

Part Seven: Chapter 29

Part Seven: Chapter 30

Part Seven: Chapter 31

Part Eight: Chapter 1

Part Eight: Chapter 2

Part Eight: Chapter 3

Part Eight: Chapter 4

Part Eight: Chapter 5

Part Eight: Chapter 6

Part Eight: Chapter 7

Part Eight: Chapter 8

Part Eight: Chapter 9

Part Eight: Chapter 10

Part Eight: Chapter 11

Part Eight: Chapter 12

Part Eight: Chapter 13

Part Eight: Chapter 14

Part Eight: Chapter 15

Part Eight: Chapter 16

Part Eight: Chapter 17

Part Eight: Chapter 18

Part Eight: Chapter 19