"Varvara Andreevna, when I was very young, I set before myself the ideal of the women I loved and should be happy to call my wife. I have lived through a long life, and now for the first time I have met what I sought--in you. I love you, and offer you my hand."

Sergey Ivanovitch was saying this to himself while he was ten paces from Varvara. Kneeling down, with her hands over the mushrooms to guard them from Grisha, she was calling little Masha.

"Come here, little ones! There are so many!" she was saying in her sweet, deep voice.

Seeing Sergey Ivanovitch approaching, she did not get up and did not change her position, but everything told him that she felt his presence and was glad of it.

"Well, did you find some?" she asked from under the white kerchief, turning her handsome, gently smiling face to him.

"Not one," said Sergey Ivanovitch. "Did you?"

She did not answer, busy with the children who thronged about her.

"That one too, near the twig," she pointed out to little Masha a little fungus, split in half across its rosy cap by the dry grass from under which it thrust itself. Varenka got up while Masha picked the fungus, breaking it into two white halves. "This brings back my childhood," she added, moving apart from the children beside Sergey Ivanovitch.

They walked on for some steps in silence. Varenka saw that he wanted to speak; she guessed of what, and felt faint with joy and panic. They had walked so far away that no one could hear them now, but still he did not begin to speak. It would have been better for Varenka to be silent. After a silence it would have been easier for them to say what they wanted to say than after talking about mushrooms. But against her own will, as it were accidentally, Varenka said:

"So you found nothing? In the middle of the wood there are always fewer, though." Sergey Ivanovitch sighed and made no answer. He was annoyed that she had spoken about the mushrooms. He wanted to bring her back to the first words she had uttered about her childhood; but after a pause of some length, as though against his own will, he made an observation in response to her last words.

"I have heard that the white edible funguses are found principally at the edge of the wood, though I can't tell them apart."

Some minutes more passed, they moved still further away from the children, and were quite alone. Varenka's heart throbbed so that she heard it beating, and felt that she was turning red and pale and red again.

To be the wife of a man like Koznishev, after her position with Madame Stahl, was to her imagination the height of happiness. Besides, she was almost certain that she was in love with him. And this moment it would have to be decided. She felt frightened. She dreaded both his speaking and his not speaking.

Now or never it must be said--that Sergey Ivanovitch felt too. Everything in the expression, the flushed cheeks and the downcast eyes of Varenka betrayed a painful suspense. Sergey Ivanovitch saw it and felt sorry for her. He felt even that to say nothing now would be a slight to her. Rapidly in his own mind he ran over all the arguments in support of his decision. He even said over to himself the words in which he meant to put his offer, but instead of those words, some utterly unexpected reflection that occurred to him made him ask:

"What is the difference between the 'birch' mushroom and the 'white' mushroom?"

Varenka's lips quivered with emotion as she answered:

"In the top part there is scarcely any difference, it's in the stalk."

And as soon as these words were uttered, both he and she felt that it was over, that what was to have been said would not be said; and their emotion, which had up to then been continually growing more intense, began to subside.

"The birch mushroom's stalk suggests a dark man's chin after two days without shaving," said Sergey Ivanovitch, speaking quite calmly now.

"Yes, that's true," answered Varenka smiling, and unconsciously the direction of their walk changed. They began to turn towards the children. Varenka felt both sore and ashamed; at the same time she had a sense of relief.

When he had got home again and went over the whole subject, Sergey Ivanovitch thought his previous decision had been a mistaken one. He could not be false to the memory of Marie.

"Gently, children, gently!" Levin shouted quite angrily to the children, standing before his wife to protect her when the crowd of children flew with shrieks of delight to meet them.

Behind the children Sergey Ivanovitch and Varenka walked out of the wood. Kitty had no need to ask Varenka; she saw from the calm and somewhat crestfallen faces of both that her plans had not come off.

"Well?" her husband questioned her as they were going home again.

"It doesn't bite," said Kitty, her smile and manner of speaking recalling her father, a likeness Levin often noticed with pleasure.

"How doesn't bite?"

"I'll show you," she said, taking her husband's hand, lifting it to her mouth, and just faintly brushing it with closed lips. "Like a kiss on a priest's hand."

"Which didn't it bite with?" he said, laughing.

"Both. But it should have been like this..."

"There are some peasants coming..."

"Oh, they didn't see."


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Part One: Chapter 1

Part One: Chapter 2

Part One: Chapter 3

Part One: Chapter 4

Part One: Chapter 5

Part One: Chapter 6

Part One: Chapter 7

Part One: Chapter 8

Part One: Chapter 9

Part One: Chapter 10

Part One: Chapter 11

Part One: Chapter 12

Part One: Chapter 13

Part One: Chapter 14

Part One: Chapter 15

Part One: Chapter 16

Part One: Chapter 17

Part One: Chapter 18

Part One: Chapter 19

Part One: Chapter 20

Part One: Chapter 21

Part One: Chapter 22

Part One: Chapter 23

Part One: Chapter 24

Part One: Chapter 25

Part One: Chapter 26

Part One: Chapter 27

Part One: Chapter 28

Part One: Chapter 29

Part One: Chapter 30

Part One: Chapter 31

Part One: Chapter 32

Part One: Chapter 33

Part One: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 1

Part Two: Chapter 2

Part Two: Chapter 3

Part Two: Chapter 4

Part Two: Chapter 5

Part Two: Chapter 6

Part Two: Chapter 7

Part Two: Chapter 8

Part Two: Chapter 9

Part Two: Chapter 10

Part Two: Chapter 11

Part Two: Chapter 12

Part Two: Chapter 13

Part Two: Chapter 14

Part Two: Chapter 15

Part Two: Chapter 16

Part Two: Chapter 17

Part Two: Chapter 18

Part Two: Chapter 19

Part Two: Chapter 20

Part Two: Chapter 21

Part Two: Chapter 22

Part Two: Chapter 23

Part Two: Chapter 24

Part Two: Chapter 25

Part Two: Chapter 26

Part Two: Chapter 27

Part Two: Chapter 28

Part Two: Chapter 29

Part Two: Chapter 30

Part Two: Chapter 31

Part Two: Chapter 32

Part Two: Chapter 33

Part Two: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 35

Part Three: Chapter 1

Part Three: Chapter 2

Part Three: Chapter 3

Part Three: Chapter 4

Part Three: Chapter 5

Part Three: Chapter 6

Part Three: Chapter 7

Part Three: Chapter 8

Part Three: Chapter 9

Part Three: Chapter 10

Part Three: Chapter 11

Part Three: Chapter 12

Part Three: Chapter 13

Part Three: Chapter 14

Part Three: Chapter 15

Part Three: Chapter 16

Part Three: Chapter 17

Part Three: Chapter 18

Part Three: Chapter 19

Part Three: Chapter 20

Part Three: Chapter 21

Part Three: Chapter 22

Part Three: Chapter 23

Part Three: Chapter 24

Part Three: Chapter 25

Part Three: Chapter 26

Part Three: Chapter 27

Part Three: Chapter 28

Part Three: Chapter 29

Part Three: Chapter 30

Part Three: Chapter 31

Part Three: Chapter 32

Part Four: Chapter 1

Part Four: Chapter 2

Part Four: Chapter 3

Part Four: Chapter 4

Part Four: Chapter 5

Part Four: Chapter 6

Part Four: Chapter 7

Part Four: Chapter 8

Part Four: Chapter 9

Part Four: Chapter 10

Part Four: Chapter 11

Part Four: Chapter 12

Part Four: Chapter 13

Part Four: Chapter 14

Part Four: Chapter 15

Part Four: Chapter 16

Part Four: Chapter 17

Part Four: Chapter 18

Part Four: Chapter 19

Part Four: Chapter 20

Part Four: Chapter 21

Part Four: Chapter 22

Part Four: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 1

Part Five: Chapter 2

Part Five: Chapter 3

Part Five: Chapter 4

Part Five: Chapter 5

Part Five: Chapter 6

Part Five: Chapter 7

Part Five: Chapter 8

Part Five: Chapter 9

Part Five: Chapter 10

Part Five: Chapter 11

Part Five: Chapter 12

Part Five: Chapter 13

Part Five: Chapter 14

Part Five: Chapter 15

Part Five: Chapter 16

Part Five: Chapter 17

Part Five: Chapter 18

Part Five: Chapter 19

Part Five: Chapter 20

Part Five: Chapter 21

Part Five: Chapter 22

Part Five: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 24

Part Five: Chapter 25

Part Five: Chapter 26

Part Five: Chapter 27

Part Five: Chapter 28

Part Five: Chapter 29

Part Five: Chapter 30

Part Five: Chapter 31

Part Five: Chapter 32

Part Five: Chapter 33

Part Six: Chapter 1

Part Six: Chapter 2

Part Six: Chapter 3

Part Six: Chapter 4

Part Six: Chapter 5

Part Six: Chapter 6

Part Six: Chapter 7

Part Six: Chapter 8

Part Six: Chapter 9

Part Six: Chapter 10

Part Six: Chapter 11

Part Six: Chapter 12

Part Six: Chapter 13

Part Six: Chapter 14

Part Six: Chapter 15

Part Six: Chapter 16

Part Six: Chapter 17

Part Six: Chapter 18

Part Six: Chapter 19

Part Six: Chapter 20

Part Six: Chapter 21

Part Six: Chapter 22

Part Six: Chapter 23

Part Six: Chapter 24

Part Six: Chapter 25

Part Six: Chapter 26

Part Six: Chapter 27

Part Six: Chapter 28

Part Six: Chapter 29

Part Six: Chapter 30

Part Six: Chapter 31

Part Six: Chapter 32

Part Seven: Chapter 1

Part Seven: Chapter 2

Part Seven: Chapter 3

Part Seven: Chapter 4

Part Seven: Chapter 5

Part Seven: Chapter 6

Part Seven: Chapter 7

Part Seven: Chapter 8

Part Seven: Chapter 9

Part Seven: Chapter 10

Part Seven: Chapter 11

Part Seven: Chapter 12

Part Seven: Chapter 13

Part Seven: Chapter 14

Part Seven: Chapter 15

Part Seven: Chapter 16

Part Seven: Chapter 17

Part Seven: Chapter 18

Part Seven: Chapter 19

Part Seven: Chapter 20

Part Seven: Chapter 21

Part Seven: Chapter 22

Part Seven: Chapter 23

Part Seven: Chapter 24

Part Seven: Chapter 25

Part Seven: Chapter 26

Part Seven: Chapter 27

Part Seven: Chapter 28

Part Seven: Chapter 29

Part Seven: Chapter 30

Part Seven: Chapter 31

Part Eight: Chapter 1

Part Eight: Chapter 2

Part Eight: Chapter 3

Part Eight: Chapter 4

Part Eight: Chapter 5

Part Eight: Chapter 6

Part Eight: Chapter 7

Part Eight: Chapter 8

Part Eight: Chapter 9

Part Eight: Chapter 10

Part Eight: Chapter 11

Part Eight: Chapter 12

Part Eight: Chapter 13

Part Eight: Chapter 14

Part Eight: Chapter 15

Part Eight: Chapter 16

Part Eight: Chapter 17

Part Eight: Chapter 18

Part Eight: Chapter 19