In order to carry through any undertaking in family life, there must necessarily be either complete division between the husband and wife, or loving agreement. When the relations of a couple are vacillating and neither one thing nor the other, no sort of enterprise can be undertaken.

Many families remain for years in the same place, though both husband and wife are sick of it, simply because there is neither complete division nor agreement between them.

Both Vronsky and Anna felt life in Moscow insupportable in the heat and dust, when the spring sunshine was followed by the glare of summer, and all the trees in the boulevards had long since been in full leaf, and the leaves were covered with dust. But they did not go back to Vozdvizhenskoe, as they had arranged to do long before; they went on staying in Moscow, though they both loathed it, because of late there had been no agreement between them.

The irritability that kept them apart had no external cause, and all efforts to come to an understanding intensified it, instead of removing it. It was an inner irritation, grounded in her mind on the conviction that his love had grown less; in his, on regret that he had put himself for her sake in a difficult position, which she, instead of lightening, made still more difficult. Neither of them gave full utterance to their sense of grievance, but they considered each other in the wrong, and tried on every pretext to prove this to one another.

In her eyes the whole of him, with all his habits, ideas, desires, with all his spiritual and physical temperament, was one thing--love for women, and that love, she felt, ought to be entirely concentrated on her alone. That love was less; consequently, as she reasoned, he must have transferred part of his love to other women or to another woman--and she was jealous. She was jealous not of any particular woman but of the decrease of his love. Not having got an object for her jealousy, she was on the lookout for it. At the slightest hint she transferred her jealousy from one object to another. At one time she was jealous of those low women with whom he might so easily renew his old bachelor ties; then she was jealous of the society women he might meet; then she was jealous of the imaginary girl whom he might want to marry, for whose sake he would break with her. And this last form of jealousy tortured her most of all, especially as he had unwarily told her, in a moment of frankness, that his mother knew him so little that she had had the audacity to try and persuade him to marry the young Princess Sorokina.

And being jealous of him, Anna was indignant against him and found grounds for indignation in everything. For everything that was difficult in her position she blamed him. The agonizing condition of suspense she had passed in Moscow, the tardiness and indecision of Alexey Alexandrovitch, her solitude--she put it all down to him. If he had loved her he would have seen all the bitterness of her position, and would have rescued her from it. For her being in Moscow and not in the country, he was to blame too. He could not live buried in the country as she would have liked to do. He must have society, and he had put her in this awful position, the bitterness of which he would not see. And again, it was his fault that she was forever separated from her son.

Even the rare moments of tenderness that came from time to time did not soothe her; in his tenderness now she saw a shade of complacency, of self-confidence, which had not been of old and which exasperated her.

It was dusk. Anna was alone, and waiting for him to come back from a bachelor dinner. She walked up and down in his study (the room where the noise from the street was least heard), and thought over every detail of their yesterday's quarrel. Going back from the well-remembered, offensive words of the quarrel to what had been the ground of it, she arrived at last at its origin. For a long while she could hardly believe that their dissension had arisen from a conversation so inoffensive, of so little moment to either. But so it actually had been. It all arose from his laughing at the girls' high schools, declaring they were useless, while she defended them. He had spoken slightingly of women's education in general, and had said that Hannah, Anna's English protegee, had not the slightest need to know anything of physics.

This irritated Anna. She saw in this a contemptuous reference to her occupations. And she bethought her of a phrase to pay him back for the pain he had given her. "I don't expect you to understand me, my feelings, as anyone who loved me might, but simple delicacy I did expect," she said.

And he had actually flushed with vexation, and had said something unpleasant. She could not recall her answer, but at that point, with an unmistakable desire to wound her too, he had said:

"I feel no interest in your infatuation over this girl, that's true, because I see it's unnatural."

The cruelty with which he shattered the world she had built up for herself so laboriously to enable her to endure her hard life, the injustice with which he had accused her of affectation, of artificiality, aroused her.

"I am very sorry that nothing but what's coarse and material is comprehensible and natural to you," she said and walked out of the room.

When he had come in to her yesterday evening, they had not referred to the quarrel, but both felt that the quarrel had been smoothed over, but was not at an end.

Today he had not been at home all day, and she felt so lonely and wretched in being on bad terms with him that she wanted to forget it all, to forgive him, and be reconciled with him; she wanted to throw the blame on herself and to justify him.

"I am myself to blame. I'm irritable, I'm insanely jealous. I will make it up with him, and we'll go away to the country; there I shall be more at peace."

"Unnatural!" she suddenly recalled the word that had stung her most of all, not so much the word itself as the intent to wound her with which it was said. "I know what he meant; he meant-- unnatural, not loving my own daughter, to love another person's child. What does he know of love for children, of my love for Seryozha, whom I've sacrificed for him? But that wish to wound me! No, he loves another woman, it must be so."

And perceiving that, while trying to regain her peace of mind, she had gone round the same circle that she had been round so often before, and had come back to her former state of exasperation, she was horrified at herself. "Can it be impossible? Can it be beyond me to control myself?" she said to herself, and began again from the beginning. "He's truthful, he's honest, he loves me. I love him, and in a few days the divorce will come. What more do I want? I want peace of mind and trust, and I will take the blame on myself. Yes, now when he comes in, I will tell him I was wrong, though I was not wrong, and we will go away tomorrow."

And to escape thinking any more, and being overcome by irritability, she rang, and ordered the boxes to be brought up for packing their things for the country.

At ten o'clock Vronsky came in.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Part One: Chapter 1

Part One: Chapter 2

Part One: Chapter 3

Part One: Chapter 4

Part One: Chapter 5

Part One: Chapter 6

Part One: Chapter 7

Part One: Chapter 8

Part One: Chapter 9

Part One: Chapter 10

Part One: Chapter 11

Part One: Chapter 12

Part One: Chapter 13

Part One: Chapter 14

Part One: Chapter 15

Part One: Chapter 16

Part One: Chapter 17

Part One: Chapter 18

Part One: Chapter 19

Part One: Chapter 20

Part One: Chapter 21

Part One: Chapter 22

Part One: Chapter 23

Part One: Chapter 24

Part One: Chapter 25

Part One: Chapter 26

Part One: Chapter 27

Part One: Chapter 28

Part One: Chapter 29

Part One: Chapter 30

Part One: Chapter 31

Part One: Chapter 32

Part One: Chapter 33

Part One: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 1

Part Two: Chapter 2

Part Two: Chapter 3

Part Two: Chapter 4

Part Two: Chapter 5

Part Two: Chapter 6

Part Two: Chapter 7

Part Two: Chapter 8

Part Two: Chapter 9

Part Two: Chapter 10

Part Two: Chapter 11

Part Two: Chapter 12

Part Two: Chapter 13

Part Two: Chapter 14

Part Two: Chapter 15

Part Two: Chapter 16

Part Two: Chapter 17

Part Two: Chapter 18

Part Two: Chapter 19

Part Two: Chapter 20

Part Two: Chapter 21

Part Two: Chapter 22

Part Two: Chapter 23

Part Two: Chapter 24

Part Two: Chapter 25

Part Two: Chapter 26

Part Two: Chapter 27

Part Two: Chapter 28

Part Two: Chapter 29

Part Two: Chapter 30

Part Two: Chapter 31

Part Two: Chapter 32

Part Two: Chapter 33

Part Two: Chapter 34

Part Two: Chapter 35

Part Three: Chapter 1

Part Three: Chapter 2

Part Three: Chapter 3

Part Three: Chapter 4

Part Three: Chapter 5

Part Three: Chapter 6

Part Three: Chapter 7

Part Three: Chapter 8

Part Three: Chapter 9

Part Three: Chapter 10

Part Three: Chapter 11

Part Three: Chapter 12

Part Three: Chapter 13

Part Three: Chapter 14

Part Three: Chapter 15

Part Three: Chapter 16

Part Three: Chapter 17

Part Three: Chapter 18

Part Three: Chapter 19

Part Three: Chapter 20

Part Three: Chapter 21

Part Three: Chapter 22

Part Three: Chapter 23

Part Three: Chapter 24

Part Three: Chapter 25

Part Three: Chapter 26

Part Three: Chapter 27

Part Three: Chapter 28

Part Three: Chapter 29

Part Three: Chapter 30

Part Three: Chapter 31

Part Three: Chapter 32

Part Four: Chapter 1

Part Four: Chapter 2

Part Four: Chapter 3

Part Four: Chapter 4

Part Four: Chapter 5

Part Four: Chapter 6

Part Four: Chapter 7

Part Four: Chapter 8

Part Four: Chapter 9

Part Four: Chapter 10

Part Four: Chapter 11

Part Four: Chapter 12

Part Four: Chapter 13

Part Four: Chapter 14

Part Four: Chapter 15

Part Four: Chapter 16

Part Four: Chapter 17

Part Four: Chapter 18

Part Four: Chapter 19

Part Four: Chapter 20

Part Four: Chapter 21

Part Four: Chapter 22

Part Four: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 1

Part Five: Chapter 2

Part Five: Chapter 3

Part Five: Chapter 4

Part Five: Chapter 5

Part Five: Chapter 6

Part Five: Chapter 7

Part Five: Chapter 8

Part Five: Chapter 9

Part Five: Chapter 10

Part Five: Chapter 11

Part Five: Chapter 12

Part Five: Chapter 13

Part Five: Chapter 14

Part Five: Chapter 15

Part Five: Chapter 16

Part Five: Chapter 17

Part Five: Chapter 18

Part Five: Chapter 19

Part Five: Chapter 20

Part Five: Chapter 21

Part Five: Chapter 22

Part Five: Chapter 23

Part Five: Chapter 24

Part Five: Chapter 25

Part Five: Chapter 26

Part Five: Chapter 27

Part Five: Chapter 28

Part Five: Chapter 29

Part Five: Chapter 30

Part Five: Chapter 31

Part Five: Chapter 32

Part Five: Chapter 33

Part Six: Chapter 1

Part Six: Chapter 2

Part Six: Chapter 3

Part Six: Chapter 4

Part Six: Chapter 5

Part Six: Chapter 6

Part Six: Chapter 7

Part Six: Chapter 8

Part Six: Chapter 9

Part Six: Chapter 10

Part Six: Chapter 11

Part Six: Chapter 12

Part Six: Chapter 13

Part Six: Chapter 14

Part Six: Chapter 15

Part Six: Chapter 16

Part Six: Chapter 17

Part Six: Chapter 18

Part Six: Chapter 19

Part Six: Chapter 20

Part Six: Chapter 21

Part Six: Chapter 22

Part Six: Chapter 23

Part Six: Chapter 24

Part Six: Chapter 25

Part Six: Chapter 26

Part Six: Chapter 27

Part Six: Chapter 28

Part Six: Chapter 29

Part Six: Chapter 30

Part Six: Chapter 31

Part Six: Chapter 32

Part Seven: Chapter 1

Part Seven: Chapter 2

Part Seven: Chapter 3

Part Seven: Chapter 4

Part Seven: Chapter 5

Part Seven: Chapter 6

Part Seven: Chapter 7

Part Seven: Chapter 8

Part Seven: Chapter 9

Part Seven: Chapter 10

Part Seven: Chapter 11

Part Seven: Chapter 12

Part Seven: Chapter 13

Part Seven: Chapter 14

Part Seven: Chapter 15

Part Seven: Chapter 16

Part Seven: Chapter 17

Part Seven: Chapter 18

Part Seven: Chapter 19

Part Seven: Chapter 20

Part Seven: Chapter 21

Part Seven: Chapter 22

Part Seven: Chapter 23

Part Seven: Chapter 24

Part Seven: Chapter 25

Part Seven: Chapter 26

Part Seven: Chapter 27

Part Seven: Chapter 28

Part Seven: Chapter 29

Part Seven: Chapter 30

Part Seven: Chapter 31

Part Eight: Chapter 1

Part Eight: Chapter 2

Part Eight: Chapter 3

Part Eight: Chapter 4

Part Eight: Chapter 5

Part Eight: Chapter 6

Part Eight: Chapter 7

Part Eight: Chapter 8

Part Eight: Chapter 9

Part Eight: Chapter 10

Part Eight: Chapter 11

Part Eight: Chapter 12

Part Eight: Chapter 13

Part Eight: Chapter 14

Part Eight: Chapter 15

Part Eight: Chapter 16

Part Eight: Chapter 17

Part Eight: Chapter 18

Part Eight: Chapter 19