After the definite refusal he had received, Petya went to his room and there locked himself in and wept bitterly. When he came in to tea, silent, morose, and with tear-stained face, everybody pretended not to notice anything.

Next day the Emperor arrived in Moscow, and several of the Rostovs' domestic serfs begged permission to go to have a look at him. That morning Petya was a long time dressing and arranging his hair and collar to look like a grown-up man. He frowned before his looking glass, gesticulated, shrugged his shoulders, and finally, without saying a word to anyone, took his cap and left the house by the back door, trying to avoid notice. Petya decided to go straight to where the Emperor was and to explain frankly to some gentleman-in-waiting (he imagined the Emperor to be always surrounded by gentlemen-in-waiting) that he, Count Rostov, in spite of his youth wished to serve his country; that youth could be no hindrance to loyalty, and that he was ready to... While dressing, Petya had prepared many fine things he meant to say to the gentleman-in-waiting.

It was on the very fact of being so young that Petya counted for success in reaching the Emperor- he even thought how surprised everyone would be at his youthfulness- and yet in the arrangement of his collar and hair and by his sedate deliberate walk he wished to appear a grown-up man. But the farther he went and the more his attention was diverted by the ever-increasing crowds moving toward the Kremlin, the less he remembered to walk with the sedateness and deliberation of a man. As he approached the Kremlin he even began to avoid being crushed and resolutely stuck out his elbows in a menacing way. But within the Trinity Gateway he was so pressed to the wall by people who probably were unaware of the patriotic intentions with which he had come that in spite of all his determination he had to give in, and stop while carriages passed in, rumbling beneath the archway. Beside Petya stood a peasant woman, a footman, two tradesmen, and a discharged soldier. After standing some time in the gateway, Petya tried to move forward in front of the others without waiting for all the carriages to pass, and he began resolutely working his way with his elbows, but the woman just in front of him, who was the first against whom he directed his efforts, angrily shouted at him:

"What are you shoving for, young lordling? Don't you see we're all standing still? Then why push?"

"Anybody can shove," said the footman, and also began working his elbows to such effect that he pushed Petya into a very filthy corner of the gateway.

Petya wiped his perspiring face with his hands and pulled up the damp collar which he had arranged so well at home to seem like a man's.

He felt that he no longer looked presentable, and feared that if he were now to approach the gentlemen-in-waiting in that plight he would not be admitted to the Emperor. But it was impossible to smarten oneself up or move to another place, because of the crowd. One of the generals who drove past was an acquaintance of the Rostovs', and Petya thought of asking his help, but came to the conclusion that that would not be a manly thing to do. When the carriages had all passed in, the crowd, carrying Petya with it, streamed forward into the Kremlin Square which was already full of people. There were people not only in the square, but everywhere- on the slopes and on the roofs. As soon as Petya found himself in the square he clearly heard the sound of bells and the joyous voices of the crowd that filled the whole Kremlin.

For a while the crowd was less dense, but suddenly all heads were bared, and everyone rushed forward in one direction. Petya was being pressed so that he could scarcely breathe, and everybody shouted, "Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" Petya stood on tiptoe and pushed and pinched, but could see nothing except the people about him.

All the faces bore the same expression of excitement and enthusiasm. A tradesman's wife standing beside Petya sobbed, and the tears ran down her cheeks.

"Father! Angel! Dear one!" she kept repeating, wiping away her tears with her fingers.

"Hurrah!" was heard on all sides.

For a moment the crowd stood still, but then it made another rush forward.

Quite beside himself, Petya, clinching his teeth and rolling his eyes ferociously, pushed forward, elbowing his way and shouting "hurrah!" as if he were prepared that instant to kill himself and everyone else, but on both sides of him other people with similarly ferocious faces pushed forward and everybody shouted "hurrah!"

"So this is what the Emperor is!" thought Petya. "No, I can't petition him myself- that would be too bold." But in spite of this he continued to struggle desperately forward, and from between the backs of those in front he caught glimpses of an open space with a strip of red cloth spread out on it; but just then the crowd swayed back- the police in front were pushing back those who had pressed too close to the procession: the Emperor was passing from the palace to the Cathedral of the Assumption- and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow on his side and ribs and was squeezed so hard that suddenly everything grew dim before his eyes and he lost consciousness. When he came to himself, a man of clerical appearance with a tuft of gray hair at the back of his head and wearing a shabby blue cassock- probably a church clerk and chanter- was holding him under the arm with one hand while warding off the pressure of the crowd with the other.

"You've crushed the young gentleman!" said the clerk. "What are you up to? Gently!... They've crushed him, crushed him!"

The Emperor entered the Cathedral of the Assumption. The crowd spread out again more evenly, and the clerk led Petya- pale and breathless- to the Tsar-cannon. Several people were sorry for Petya, and suddenly a crowd turned toward him and pressed round him. Those who stood nearest him attended to him, unbuttoned his coat, seated him on the raised platform of the cannon, and reproached those others (whoever they might be) who had crushed him.

"One might easily get killed that way! What do they mean by it? Killing people! Poor dear, he's as white as a sheet!"- various voices were heard saying.

Petya soon came to himself, the color returned to his face, the pain had passed, and at the cost of that temporary unpleasantness he had obtained a place by the cannon from where he hoped to see the Emperor who would be returning that way. Petya no longer thought of presenting his petition. If he could only see the Emperor he would be happy!

While the service was proceeding in the Cathedral of the Assumption- it was a combined service of prayer on the occasion of the Emperor's arrival and of thanksgiving for the conclusion of peace with the Turks- the crowd outside spread out and hawkers appeared, selling kvas, gingerbread, and poppyseed sweets (of which Petya was particularly fond), and ordinary conversation could again be heard. A tradesman's wife was showing a rent in her shawl and telling how much the shawl had cost; another was saying that all silk goods had now got dear. The clerk who had rescued Petya was talking to a functionary about the priests who were officiating that day with the bishop. The clerk several times used the word "plenary" (of the service), a word Petya did not understand. Two young citizens were joking with some serf girls who were cracking nuts. All these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now. He sat on his elevation- the pedestal of the cannon- still agitated as before by the thought of the Emperor and by his love for him. The feeling of pain and fear he had experienced when he was being crushed, together with that of rapture, still further intensified his sense of the importance of the occasion.

Suddenly the sound of a firing of cannon was heard from the embankment, to celebrate the signing of peace with the Turks, and the crowd rushed impetuously toward the embankment to watch the firing. Petya too would have run there, but the clerk who had taken the young gentleman under his protection stopped him. The firing was still proceeding when officers, generals, and gentlemen-in-waiting came running out of the cathedral, and after them others in a more leisurely manner: caps were again raised, and those who had run to look at the cannon ran back again. At last four men in uniforms and sashes emerged from the cathedral doors. "Hurrah! hurrah!" shouted the crowd again.

"Which is he? Which?" asked Petya in a tearful voice, of those around him, but no one answered him, everybody was too excited; and Petya, fixing on one of those four men, whom he could not clearly see for the tears of joy that filled his eyes, concentrated all his enthusiasm on him- though it happened not to be the Emperor- frantically shouted "Hurrah!" and resolved that tomorrow, come what might, he would join the army.

The crowd ran after the Emperor, followed him to the palace, and began to disperse. It was already late, and Petya had not eaten anything and was drenched with perspiration, yet he did not go home but stood with that diminishing, but still considerable, crowd before the palace while the Emperor dined- looking in at the palace windows, expecting he knew not what, and envying alike the notables he saw arriving at the entrance to dine with the Emperor and the court footmen who served at table, glimpses of whom could be seen through the windows.

While the Emperor was dining, Valuev, looking out of the window, said:

"The people are still hoping to see Your Majesty again."

The dinner was nearly over, and the Emperor, munching a biscuit, rose and went out onto the balcony. The people, with Petya among them, rushed toward the balcony.

"Angel! Dear one! Hurrah! Father!..." cried the crowd, and Petya with it, and again the women and men of weaker mold, Petya among them, wept with joy.

A largish piece of the biscuit the Emperor was holding in his hand broke off, fell on the balcony parapet, and then to the ground. A coachman in a jerkin, who stood nearest, sprang forward and snatched it up. Several people in the crowd rushed at the coachman. Seeing this the Emperor had a plateful of biscuits brought him and began throwing them down from the balcony. Petya's eyes grew bloodshot, and still more excited by the danger of being crushed, he rushed at the biscuits. He did not know why, but he had to have a biscuit from the Tsar's hand and he felt that he must not give way. He sprang forward and upset an old woman who was catching at a biscuit; the old woman did not consider herself defeated though she was lying on the ground- she grabbed at some biscuits but her hand did not reach them. Petya pushed her hand away with his knee, seized a biscuit, and as if fearing to be too late, again shouted "Hurrah!" with a voice already hoarse.

The Emperor went in, and after that the greater part of the crowd began to disperse.

"There! I said if only we waited- and so it was!" was being joyfully said by various people.

Happy as Petya was, he felt sad at having to go home knowing that all the enjoyment of that day was over. He did not go straight home from the Kremlin, but called on his friend Obolenski, who was fifteen and was also entering the regiment. On returning home Petya announced resolutely and firmly that if he was not allowed to enter the service he would run away. And next day, Count Ilya Rostov- though he had not yet quite yielded- went to inquire how he could arrange for Petya to serve where there would be least danger.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Book One: 1805 - Chapter I

Book One: 1805 - Chapter II

Book One: 1805 - Chapter III

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter V

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter X

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter I

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter II

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter III

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter V

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter X

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter I

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter II

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter III

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter V

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter X

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter I

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter II

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter III

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter V

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter X

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXVI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter I

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter II

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter III

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IV

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter V

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VIII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IX

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter X

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter I

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter II

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter III

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter V

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter X

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter I

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter II

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter III

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter V

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter X

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XVI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII