Pierre was shown into the large, brightly lit dining room; a few minutes later he heard footsteps and Princess Mary entered with Natasha. Natasha was calm, though a severe and grave expression had again settled on her face. They all three of them now experienced that feeling of awkwardness which usually follows after a serious and heartfelt talk. It is impossible to go back to the same conversation, to talk of trifles is awkward, and yet the desire to speak is there and silence seems like affectation. They went silently to table. The footmen drew back the chairs and pushed them up again. Pierre unfolded his cold table napkin and, resolving to break the silence, looked at Natasha and at Princess Mary. They had evidently both formed the same resolution; the eyes of both shone with satisfaction and a confession that besides sorrow life also has joy.

"Do you take vodka, Count?" asked Princess Mary, and those words suddenly banished the shadows of the past. "Now tell us about yourself," said she. "One hears such improbable wonders about you."

"Yes," replied Pierre with the smile of mild irony now habitual to him. "They even tell me wonders I myself never dreamed of! Mary Abramovna invited me to her house and kept telling me what had happened, or ought to have happened, to me. Stepan Stepanych also instructed me how I ought to tell of my experiences. In general I have noticed that it is very easy to be an interesting man (I am an interesting man now); people invite me out and tell me all about myself."

Natasha smiled and was on the point of speaking.

"We have been told," Princess Mary interrupted her, "that you lost two millions in Moscow. Is that true?"

"But I am three times as rich as before," returned Pierre.

Though the position was now altered by his decision to pay his wife's debts and to rebuild his houses, Pierre still maintained that he had become three times as rich as before.

"What I have certainly gained is freedom," he began seriously, but did not continue, noticing that this theme was too egotistic.

"And are you building?"

"Yes. Savelich says I must!"

"Tell me, you did not know of the countess' death when you decided to remain in Moscow?" asked Princess Mary and immediately blushed, noticing that her question, following his mention of freedom, ascribed to his words a meaning he had perhaps not intended.

"No," answered Pierre, evidently not considering awkward the meaning Princess Mary had given to his words. "I heard of it in Orel and you cannot imagine how it shocked me. We were not an exemplary couple," he added quickly, glancing at Natasha and noticing on her face curiosity as to how he would speak of his wife, "but her death shocked me terribly. When two people quarrel they are always both in fault, and one's own guilt suddenly becomes terribly serious when the other is no longer alive. And then such a death... without friends and without consolation! I am very, very sorry for her," he concluded, and was pleased to notice a look of glad approval on Natasha's face.

"Yes, and so you are once more an eligible bachelor," said Princess Mary.

Pierre suddenly flushed crimson and for a long time tried not to look at Natasha. When he ventured to glance her way again her face was cold, stern, and he fancied even contemptuous.

"And did you really see and speak to Napoleon, as we have been told?" said Princess Mary.

Pierre laughed.

"No, not once! Everybody seems to imagine that being taken prisoner means being Napoleon's guest. Not only did I never see him but I heard nothing about him- I was in much lower company!"

Supper was over, and Pierre who at first declined to speak about his captivity was gradually led on to do so.

"But it's true that you remained in Moscow to kill Napoleon?" Natasha asked with a slight smile. "I guessed it then when we met at the Sukharev tower, do you remember?"

Pierre admitted that it was true, and from that was gradually led by Princess Mary's questions and especially by Natasha's into giving a detailed account of his adventures.

At first he spoke with the amused and mild irony now customary with him toward everybody and especially toward himself, but when he came to describe the horrors and sufferings he had witnessed he was unconsciously carried away and began speaking with the suppressed emotion of a man re-experiencing in recollection strong impressions he has lived through.

Princess Mary with a gentle smile looked now at Pierre and now at Natasha. In the whole narrative she saw only Pierre and his goodness. Natasha, leaning on her elbow, the expression of her face constantly changing with the narrative, watched Pierre with an attention that never wandered- evidently herself experiencing all that he described. Not only her look, but her exclamations and the brief questions she put, showed Pierre that she understood just what he wished to convey. It was clear that she understood not only what he said but also what he wished to, but could not, express in words. The account Pierre gave of the incident with the child and the woman for protecting whom he was arrested was this: "It was an awful sight- children abandoned, some in the flames... One was snatched out before my eyes... and there were women who had their things snatched off and their earrings torn out..." he flushed and grew confused. "Then a patrol arrived and all the men- all those who were not looting, that is- were arrested, and I among them."

"I am sure you're not telling us everything; I am sure you did something..." said Natasha and pausing added, "something fine?"

Pierre continued. When he spoke of the execution he wanted to pass over the horrible details, but Natasha insisted that he should not omit anything.

Pierre began to tell about Karataev, but paused. By this time he had risen from the table and was pacing the room, Natasha following him with her eyes. Then he added:

"No, you can't understand what I learned from that illiterate man- that simple fellow."

"Yes, yes, go on!" said Natasha. "Where is he?"

"They killed him almost before my eyes."

And Pierre, his voice trembling continually, went on to tell of the last days of their retreat, of Karataev's illness and his death.

He told of his adventures as he had never yet recalled them. He now, as it were, saw a new meaning in all he had gone through. Now that he was telling it all to Natasha he experienced that pleasure which a man has when women listen to him- not clever women who when listening either try to remember what they hear to enrich their minds and when opportunity offers to retell it, or who wish to adopt it to some thought of their own and promptly contribute their own clever comments prepared in their little mental workshop- but the pleasure given by real women gifted with a capacity to select and absorb the very best a man shows of himself. Natasha without knowing it was all attention: she did not lose a word, no single quiver in Pierre's voice, no look, no twitch of a muscle in his face, nor a single gesture. She caught the unfinished word in its flight and took it straight into her open heart, divining the secret meaning of all Pierre's mental travail.

Princess Mary understood his story and sympathized with him, but she now saw something else that absorbed all her attention. She saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre, and the first thought of this filled her heart with gladness.

It was three o'clock in the morning. The footmen came in with sad and stern faces to change the candles, but no one noticed them.

Pierre finished his story. Natasha continued to look at him intently with bright, attentive, and animated eyes, as if trying to understand something more which he had perhaps left untold. Pierre in shamefaced and happy confusion glanced occasionally at her, and tried to think what to say next to introduce a fresh subject. Princess Mary was silent. It occurred to none of them that it was three o'clock and time to go to bed.

"People speak of misfortunes and sufferings," remarked Pierre, "but if at this moment I were asked: 'Would you rather be what you were before you were taken prisoner, or go through all this again?' then for heaven's sake let me again have captivity and horseflesh! We imagine that when we are thrown out of our usual ruts all is lost, but it is only then that what is new and good begins. While there is life there is happiness. There is much, much before us. I say this to you," he added, turning to Natasha.

"Yes, yes," she said, answering something quite different. "I too should wish nothing but to relive it all from the beginning."

Pierre looked intently at her.

"Yes, and nothing more." said Natasha.

"It's not true, not true!" cried Pierre. "I am not to blame for being alive and wishing to live- nor you either."

Suddenly Natasha bent her head, covered her face with her hands, and began to cry.

"What is it, Natasha?" said Princess Mary.

"Nothing, nothing." She smiled at Pierre through her tears. "Good night! It is time for bed."

Pierre rose and took his leave.

Princess Mary and Natasha met as usual in the bedroom. They talked of what Pierre had told them. Princess Mary did not express her opinion of Pierre nor did Natasha speak of him.

"Well, good night, Mary!" said Natasha. "Do you know, I am often afraid that by not speaking of him" (she meant Prince Andrew) "for fear of not doing justice to our feelings, we forget him."

Princess Mary sighed deeply and thereby acknowledged the justice of Natasha's remark, but she did not express agreement in words.

"Is it possible to forget?" said she.

"It did me so much good to tell all about it today. It was hard and painful, but good, very good!" said Natasha. "I am sure he really loved him. That is why I told him... Was it all right?" she added, suddenly blushing.

"To tell Pierre? Oh, yes. What a splendid man he is!" said Princess Mary.

"Do you know, Mary..." Natasha suddenly said with a mischievous smile such as Princess Mary had not seen on her face for a long time, "he has somehow grown so clean, smooth, and fresh- as if he had just come out of a Russian bath; do you understand? Out of a moral bath. Isn't it true?"

"Yes," replied Princess Mary. "He has greatly improved."

"With a short coat and his hair cropped; just as if, well, just as if he had come straight from the bath... Papa used to..."

"I understand why he" (Prince Andrew) "liked no one so much as him," said Princess Mary.

"Yes, and yet he is quite different. They say men are friends when they are quite different. That must be true. Really he is quite unlike him- in everything."

"Yes, but he's wonderful."

"Well, good night," said Natasha.

And the same mischievous smile lingered for a long time on her face as if it had been forgotten there.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Book One: 1805 - Chapter I

Book One: 1805 - Chapter II

Book One: 1805 - Chapter III

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter V

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter X

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter I

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter II

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter III

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter V

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter X

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter I

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter II

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter III

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter V

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter X

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter I

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter II

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter III

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter V

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter X

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXVI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter I

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter II

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter III

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IV

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter V

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VIII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IX

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter X

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter I

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter II

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter III

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter V

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter X

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter I

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter II

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter III

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter V

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter X

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XVI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII