If history dealt only with external phenomena, the establishment of this simple and obvious law would suffice and we should have finished our argument. But the law of history relates to man. A particle of matter cannot tell us that it does not feel the law of attraction or repulsion and that that law is untrue, but man, who is the subject of history, says plainly: I am free and am therefore not subject to the law.

The presence of the problem of man's free will, though unexpressed, is felt at every step of history.

All seriously thinking historians have involuntarily encountered this question. All the contradictions and obscurities of history and the false path historical science has followed are due solely to the lack of a solution of that question.

If the will of every man were free, that is, if each man could act as he pleased, all history would be a series of disconnected incidents.

If in a thousand years even one man in a million could act freely, that is, as he chose, it is evident that one single free act of that man's in violation of the laws governing human action would destroy the possibility of the existence of any laws for the whole of humanity.

If there be a single law governing the actions of men, free will cannot exist, for then man's will is subject to that law.

In this contradiction lies the problem of free will, which from most ancient times has occupied the best human minds and from most ancient times has been presented in its whole tremendous significance.

The problem is that regarding man as a subject of observation from whatever point of view- theological, historical, ethical, or philosophic- we find a general law of necessity to which he (like all that exists) is subject. But regarding him from within ourselves as what we are conscious of, we feel ourselves to be free.

This consciousness is a source of self-cognition quite apart from and independent of reason. Through his reason man observes himself, but only through consciousness does he know himself.

Apart from consciousness of self no observation or application of reason is conceivable.

To understand, observe, and draw conclusions, man must first of all be conscious of himself as living. A man is only conscious of himself as a living being by the fact that he wills, that is, is conscious of his volition. But his will- which forms the essence of his life- man recognizes (and can but recognize) as free.

If, observing himself, man sees that his will is always directed by one and the same law (whether he observes the necessity of taking food, using his brain, or anything else) he cannot recognize this never-varying direction of his will otherwise than as a limitation of it. Were it not free it could not be limited. A man's will seems to him to be limited just because he is not conscious of it except as free.

You say: I am not and am not free. But I have lifted my hand and let it fall. Everyone understands that this illogical reply is an irrefutable demonstration of freedom.

That reply is the expression of a consciousness that is not subject to reason.

If the consciousness of freedom were not a separate and independent source of self-consciousness it would be subject to reasoning and to experience, but in fact such subjection does not exist and is inconceivable.

A series of experiments and arguments proves to every man that he, as an object of observation, is subject to certain laws, and man submits to them and never resists the laws of gravity or impermeability once he has become acquainted with them. But the same series of experiments and arguments proves to him that the complete freedom of which he is conscious in himself is impossible, and that his every action depends on his organization, his character, and the motives acting upon him; yet man never submits to the deductions of these experiments and arguments. Having learned from experiment and argument that a stone falls downwards, a man indubitably believes this and always expects the law that he has learned to be fulfilled.

But learning just as certainly that his will is subject to laws, he does not and cannot believe this.

However often experiment and reasoning may show a man that under the same conditions and with the same character he will do the same thing as before, yet when under the same conditions and with the same character he approaches for the thousandth time the action that always ends in the same way, he feels as certainly convinced as before the experiment that he can act as he pleases. Every man, savage or sage, however incontestably reason and experiment may prove to him that it is impossible to imagine two different courses of action in precisely the same conditions, feels that without this irrational conception (which constitutes the essence of freedom) he cannot imagine life. He feels that however impossible it may be, it is so, for without this conception of freedom not only would he be unable to understand life, but he would be unable to live for a single moment.

He could not live, because all man's efforts, all his impulses to life, are only efforts to increase freedom. Wealth and poverty, fame and obscurity, power and subordination, strength and weakness, health and disease, culture and ignorance, work and leisure, repletion and hunger, virtue and vice, are only greater or lesser degrees of freedom.

A man having no freedom cannot be conceived of except as deprived of life.

If the conception of freedom appears to reason to be a senseless contradiction like the possibility of performing two actions at one and the same instant of time, or of an effect without a cause, that only proves that consciousness is not subject to reason.

This unshakable, irrefutable consciousness of freedom, uncontrolled by experiment or argument, recognized by all thinkers and felt by everyone without exception, this consciousness without which no conception of man is possible constitutes the other side of the question.

Man is the creation of an all-powerful, all-good, and all-seeing God. What is sin, the conception of which arises from the consciousness of man's freedom? That is a question for theology.

The actions of men are subject to general immutable laws expressed in statistics. What is man's responsibility to society, the conception of which results from the conception of freedom? That is a question for jurisprudence.

Man's actions proceed from his innate character and the motives acting upon him. What is conscience and the perception of right and wrong in actions that follows from the consciousness of freedom? That is a question for ethics.

Man in connection with the general life of humanity appears subject to laws which determine that life. But the same man apart from that connection appears to free. How should the past life of nations and of humanity be regarded- as the result of the free, or as the result of the constrained, activity of man? That is a question for history.

Only in our self-confident day of the popularization of knowledge- thanks to that most powerful engine of ignorance, the diffusion of printed matter- has the question of the freedom of will been put on a level on which the question itself cannot exist. In our time the majority of so-called advanced people- that is, the crowd of ignoramuses- have taken the work of the naturalists who deal with one side of the question for a solution of the whole problem.

They say and write and print that the soul and freedom do not exist, for the life of man is expressed by muscular movements and muscular movements are conditioned by the activity of the nerves; the soul and free will do not exist because at an unknown period of time we sprang from the apes. They say this, not at all suspecting that thousands of years ago that same law of necessity which with such ardor they are now trying to prove by physiology and comparative zoology was not merely acknowledged by all the religions and all the thinkers, but has never been denied. They do not see that the role of the natural sciences in this matter is merely to serve as an instrument for the illumination of one side of it. For the fact that, from the point of view of observation, reason and the will are merely secretions of the brain, and that man following the general law may have developed from lower animals at some unknown period of time, only explains from a fresh side the truth admitted thousands of years ago by all the religious and philosophic theories- that from the point of view of reason man is subject to the law of necessity; but it does not advance by a hair's breadth the solution of the question, which has another, opposite, side, based on the consciousness of freedom.

If men descended from the apes at an unknown period of time, that is as comprehensible as that they were made from a handful of earth at a certain period of time (in the first case the unknown quantity is the time, in the second case it is the origin); and the question of how man's consciousness of freedom is to be reconciled with the law of necessity to which he is subject cannot be solved by comparative physiology and zoology, for in a frog, a rabbit, or an ape, we can observe only the muscular nervous activity, but in man we observe consciousness as well as the muscular and nervous activity.

The naturalists and their followers, thinking they can solve this question, are like plasterers set to plaster one side of the walls of a church who, availing themselves of the absence of the chief superintendent of the work, should in an access of zeal plaster over the windows, icons, woodwork, and still unbuttressed walls, and should be delighted that from their point of view as plasterers, everything is now so smooth and regular.


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


Book One: 1805 - Chapter I

Book One: 1805 - Chapter II

Book One: 1805 - Chapter III

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter V

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter X

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXIV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXV

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVI

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVII

Book One: 1805 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XX

Book Two: 1805 - Chapter XXI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter I

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter II

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter III

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter V

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter VIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter IX

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter X

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XV

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVI

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XVIII

Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter I

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter II

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter III

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter V

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter VIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter IX

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter X

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XI

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIII

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XIV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XV

Book Four: 1806 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter I

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter II

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter III

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter V

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter VIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter IX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter X

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XV

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XVIII

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XIX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XX

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXI

Book Five: 1806-07 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter I

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter II

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter III

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter V

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter VIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter IX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter X

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XVIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XIX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XX

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXI

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIII

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXIV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXV

Book Six: 1808-10 - Chapter XXVI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter I

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter II

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter III

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IV

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter V

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter VIII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter IX

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter X

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XI

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XII

Book Seven: 1810-11 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter I

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter II

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter III

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter V

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter VIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter IX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter X

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XV

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XIX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XX

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXI

Book Eight: 1811-12 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Nine: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXV

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVI

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXVIII

Book Ten: 1812 - Chapter XXXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXV

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXVIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXIX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXX

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXI

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIII

Book Eleven: 1812 - Chapter XXXIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Twelve: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Thirteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter I

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter II

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter III

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter V

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter VIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter IX

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter X

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XV

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVI

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fourteen: 1812 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter I

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter II

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter III

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter V

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter VIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter IX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter X

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XV

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVI

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XVIII

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XIX

Book Fifteen: 1812-13 - Chapter XX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIII

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XIV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XV

First Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XVI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter I

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter II

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter III

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IV

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter V

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter VIII

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter IX

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter X

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XI

Second Epilogue: 1813-20 - Chapter XII